Chapter 06Circle-Packing Layouts

The circle-pack layout represents nodes in a hierarchal model as circles and positions each child node’s circle inside its parent’s circle.

var data = {"children": [
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 3}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 8}

var root = d3.hierarchy(data)
  .sum(d => d.hasOwnProperty("stat") ? d.stat : 0)
  .sort((a,b) => b.value - a.value);

var partition = d3.pack()

partition(root);"#demo1 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);

<svg id="demo1" width=260 height=260>
  <g  transform="translate(5,5)"></g>

Getting Tightly Packed Circles

Sorting the hierarchal model may be necessary to produce a layout that tightly packs the circles. Below is an example that uses a hierarchal model that is not sorted. As you can see, the circles are not packed as tightly as when the hierarchal model is sorted.

var data = {"children": [
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 3}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 8}

var root = d3.hierarchy(data)
  .sum(d => d.hasOwnProperty("stat") ? d.stat : 0);

var partition = d3.pack()

partition(root);"#demo2 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);

<svg id="demo2" width=260 height=260>
  <g  transform="translate(5,5)"></g>

Creating a Circle-Packing Layout

The d3.pack() method is a function generator that returns a circle-packing layout. We can chain a call to pack.size([width,height]) to set the size of the rendering area.

We can also chain a call to pack.padding([padding]) to add padding between tangent circles and between the enclosing parents’ circles and their children.

Below we create a circle-packing with padding set to 10 pixels.

var data = {"children": [
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 3}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 8}

var root = d3.hierarchy(data)
  .sum(d => d.hasOwnProperty("stat") ? d.stat : 0)
  .sort((a,b) => b.value - a.value);

var partition = d3.pack()

partition(root);"#demo3 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);

<svg id="demo3" width=260 height=260>
  <g  transform="translate(5,5)"></g>

Setting the Radius Accessor Function

pack.radius([radius]) is used to set the radius accessor function. The method takes a function as an argument and returns the layout. By default, the radius is derived from the node’s value property.

In the example below we set the radius accessor function so that the radii are computed using Math.random(). Click on the reset button to render the circles with a different set of radii.

var data = {"children": [
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 3}
                {"children": [
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 1},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 2},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 4},
                  {"stat": 8}

var root = d3.hierarchy(data)
  .sum(d => d.hasOwnProperty("stat") ? d.stat : 0)
  .sort((a,b) => b.value - a.value);

var partition = d3.pack()
  .radius(d => Math.random() * 20)

partition(root);"#demo4 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);

<svg id="demo4" width=260 height=260>
  <g  transform="translate(5,5)"></g>

Packing an Array of Circles

d3.packSiblings(cirlces) positions takes an array of objects as an argument, each with an r property, and sets x and y properties in each object indicating the center of the circle. Note: the array of objects that is passed to packSiblings need not be an array of svg circle elements. It can simply be an array of objects with r properties as shown below.

var circles = [{"r": 10},{"r": 20},{"r": 40}];

Before calling packSiblings you may want to sort the objects according to r (in decreasing order) in order to get a dense packing.

circles.sort((a,b) => b.r - a.r);
var circles = [{"r": 10},
               {"r": 10},
               {"r": 10},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 40},
               {"r": 40},
               {"r": 40}];

circles.sort((a,b) => b.r - a.r);

d3.packSiblings(circles);"#demo5 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);


<svg id="demo5" width=250 height=250>
  <g  transform="translate(125,125)"></g>

Finding a Parent Circle

d3.packEnclose(circles) returns an object representing the smallest circle that encloses an array of objects representing circles. Each object in the array must have x, y, and r properties, specifying the circle’s center and radius respectively. The object returned also has x, y, and r properties.

var circles = [{"r": 10},
               {"r": 10},
               {"r": 10},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 20},
               {"r": 40},
               {"r": 40},
               {"r": 40}];

circles.sort((a,b) => b.r - a.r);


var parent = d3.packEnclose(circles);
circles.push(parent);"#demo6 g")
  .classed('node', true)
  .attr('cx', d => d.x)
  .attr('cy', d => d.y)
  .attr('r', d => d.r);


<svg id="demo6" width=250 height=250>
  <g  transform="translate(125,125)"></g>