Using D3.js Roadmap
Future Work
As time permits, we'll add additional chapters on the following modules.Events and Animations
- Dispatches (used to register and call listeners for custom events)
- Dragging (for mouse or touch input)
- Brushes (select a 1D or 2D region using mouse or touch input)
- Zooming (Pan and zoom using mouse or touch input
- Transitions (animated transitions for selections)
- Easings (functions for smooth animations)
- Timers (queue for managing concurrent animations)
- Delimiter-Separated Values (conversions between DSV and JSON - add to cp03)
- Colors (conversion from CSS to RGB or HSL)
- Number Formats
- Time Formats
- Time Intervals (used by d3's time scales to generate ticks - referenced in ch04-04)
- Random Numbers
- Sankey
- Quadtrees (partitions and models 2D space into squares)
- Interpolators (interpolation methods for blending between two values - referenced in ch04-05)
- Collections (Objects, Maps, Sets, Nests)
- Arrays(Statistics, Search, Transformations, Histograms)